My First Date - How I Made The First Step

My First Date - How I Made The First Step

Blog Article

I never considered myself the most confident guy when it came to dating. I always found it difficult to approach a girl or initiate a deeper conversation. My friends always seemed more relaxed in such situations, but I, on the other hand, would get tangled up in my own words. So, one day, I decided to do something I had never tried before: sign up for a dating website.

I wasn't sure at first. The thought of meeting someone online made me feel a bit weird. But at the same time, I thought that maybe this approach could be the solution. At least I could get to know someone without the pressure of a face-to-face meeting right from the start. So I started looking for profiles that seemed interesting.

How I Met Ana

After a few days of browsing and exchanging messages here and there, I came across Ana. Her profile was simple but interesting. She seemed like a genuine person with a warm smile and a passion for art and traveling. I sent her a rather simple message, trying to make her smile. I wasn't expecting much, to be honest.

To my surprise, she replied. And not only did she respond, but we immediately started having a fluid conversation. We shared many common interests and even our sense of humor seemed to match. We texted for hours, days at a time, and I began to feel more comfortable with the idea of asking her out on a real date.

The Excitement of the First Date

After getting up the courage, I asked her out on a date. We chose a neutral place - a quiet coffee shop in the city, where we could talk without feeling too noticed. The day of the meeting, I was more nervous than I expected. I woke up hours in advance, trying to think of topics to talk about and what I could say to impress her.

When I got to the coffee shop and saw her for the first time, the excitement intensified. But to my surprise, the moment we greeted each other and started talking, everything became much easier. She was exactly as I knew her from our online conversations - open, friendly and relaxed. After a few minutes, I completely forgot about my anxiety and started to really enjoy the moment.

The Conversation That Bonded Us

We talked for hours on end about anything and everything - favorite movies, travel, little things in life. We discovered that we had even more in common than we realized from online messages. It was a natural meeting, without too much pressure or expectation. Even now, I'm surprised how easy it was to open up to her, especially considering how much dating usually stresses me out.

What I've Learned

This experience has taught me a few important things about myself and dating. First, I realized that it doesn't matter so much how you get started - whether it's on a dating website or in a traditional context. Instead, it matters how you choose to be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally. Secondly, I've learned to stop being afraid of the unknown and accept that emotions are normal, especially in the beginning.

As for Ana and I, we continued to see each other after that first meeting. I couldn't say where things would lead, but for the first time in a long time, I feel comfortable exploring a relationship without feeling pressured or intimidated. And for that I'm grateful.

This was only my first date on this adventure, but I know for sure it won't be my last.

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